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Browse our video library below to hear Davey certified arborists and technical advisors explain the most popular topics and questions in the tree care industry.

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Plant Health Care
The Importance of Fertilizing Your Trees
Healthy soil is the foundation for strong, vibrant trees. While it takes a holistic approach to get healthy soil, in this video, we discuss the importance of fertilizing your trees.
Tree Trimming & Pruning
Should You Prune Trees During The Growing Season?
While you often hear us talk about dormant pruning, there are reasons to prune once your trees leaf out. Wondering when you should prune during the growing season vs. dormant season?
Plant Health Care
Tree Injections for Treatment and Protection
When a tree is suffering from a serious pest or disease infestation, tree injections can help provide fast delivery and response. In this video, we explain the science behind how injections help your tree and how to spot signs of a tree in distress.
Insect & Disease Issues
Sudden Oak Death: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Sudden Oak Death can be a serious threat to oak trees on the West Coast. In this video, we'll tell you what you should know about how it spreads and how to recognize symptoms early.
Plant Health Care
How to Use Humates and Phosphites to Improve Soil Health
When you have unhealthy soil, it can be hard for your tree to get the nutrients needed to grow a strong root system. In this video, we'll discuss how adding humates and phosphites can help your trees thrive.
Landscaping & Property Tips
Shrub Care & Maintenance
In this video, we go over properly caring for your shrub from planting to pruning.
Plant Health Care
How to Improve Your Soil Health
In this video, we discuss a few ways to improve the overall health of your soil.
greehill & DRG: Smart Tree Inventories
With a Smart Tree Inventory, urban foresters are able to use precise, objective information for targeted inspections and prescriptions.
Palm Tree In Front Of Florida Home Davey Tree 002
Landscaping & Property Tips
Palm Care: Water, Fertilization & Pruning
In this video, learn what you can do to keep your palms healthy in your landscape.
Palm Weevil Damage
Insect & Disease Issues
Tree and Palm Pests: Signs & Symptoms
In this video, we discuss what you can do to defend your trees and palms from infestation.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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